Goal of a Business

Goal of a Business

When working in a business, it is very important to know the reason behind the business.  In other words, what is the business in business to do?   In answering this deceptively simple question, one must look beyond the PR and make an honest assessment of the...
Advertising for the Competition

Advertising for the Competition

A strong brand is unique because a brand is a specific promise to a specific audience.  The promise effectively delineates the brand’s market.  If the people behind the brand do not know what they are promising, or to whom they should be delivering, then the brand is...
Just Kidding Around

Just Kidding Around

The increasing prominence of online retail, coupled with slow economic growth and sustained unemployment has significantly changed consumer behavior and placed unique challenges on boutique mom-and-pop stores.  Just Kidding Around, a family-owned toy store in...
As a Moderator….

As a Moderator….

“As a moderator…” will be an ongoing, semi-regular series discussing my thoughts on being a qualitative market researcher.    Since becoming a moderator since 2007 – having conducted numerous focus groups, in-depth interviews, home visits, and so forth – I...